Department Records Retention Schedule (DRS) Skip to main content

Department Records Retention Schedule (DRS)

Each department is responsible for completing a Department Records Retention Schedule (DRS), an individualized retention schedule for the department based on the approved General Retention Schedule (GRS). Departments should review their DRS annually.

Why should our department create a DRS?

  • The DRS enables departments to know what records they have and how long to keep them. Following the DRS helps departments be compliant with federal and state laws and regulations, ensure that records of historical value are preserved, and records that have met their retention are destroyed.
  • Managing your records using the DRS, reduces risk to the University.

Who creates the DRS?

  • Records Liaisons create the DRS on the Records Liaison Hub. When needed the URIM Records analyst is available to assist. To schedule a DRS appointment use the form below the button or call 2-6260.
  • If you'd like a snapshot of the kinds of records on our common records list, please click the button below to view our DRS worksheet.
  • If you need help using the DRS App please use our user guide or call 2-2828

Where can I view my department's DRS?

  • Go to the Records Liaison Hub and sign-in using your NetID and password. Then click on the right promo for the DRS app. If you have trouble signing in please call our office assistant at 2-2828.
    Schedule a DRS
    Use this form to notify the URIM Records Analyst that you would like to meet to create a Department Retention Schedule