Submitting and Requesting Paper Records Skip to main content

Submitting and Requesting Paper Records

URIM provides BYU departments with secure paper records storage services in the University Records Center. Temporary department records are kept according to the Department Records Retention Schedule (DRS), and are then securely shredded with departmental approval.

URIM provides the following courier services at no cost:

  1. Submitting a Box to the Records Center – Couriers pick up boxes from BYU departments and deliver them to the University Records Center. Records Transfer Sheets are submitted by the departments using the online box submission system. For instructions to the online system, click here for training.
    • For security reasons, we ask that you do not write or tape anything on the boxes that would reveal the contents of the box. Our goal is the only identifier on each box is the object number and its barcode. When submitting multiple boxes, it is appropriate to place a sticky note on each box for identification purposes when transferring to the University Records Center. (i.e. Box 1, Box 2, etc…)
  2. Delivering empty records boxes – Couriers will deliver empty boxes when requested. Please call the couriers at 2-2828 or send an email to
  3. Requesting Boxes and/or Folders to be delivered to the submitting department on a temporary or permanent basis.
    • When records are checked out temporarily, they should be returned to the University Records Center in a reasonable timeframe, generally 2-4 weeks.
    • When permanent check-out requests are made, the boxes and/or files are permanently transferred back to the submitting department.
    • If a department needs to add a folder or other small item to a box, the file can be given to the courier without requesting the box beforehand.
  4. Returning records – Couriers will return boxes of records and/or individual files to the Records Center when requested.

Courier services are normally fulfilled before the end of the following business day.

The Records Transfer Sheet for each box submitted to the Records Center can be accessed through the eRTS app on the Records Liaison Hub. When your department needs to request a box from the Records Center, check the list of Records Transfer Sheets, which contain both the department’s number and the box (object) number, then email our couriers with the box number your department needs. If you need access to the original scanned Records Transfer Sheet, please call our Office Assistant at 2-1670 for assistance.

For questions or to request access to online Records Transfer Sheets, please contact the couriers at or at 2-2828.