Click Here for a PDF of this Newsletter
Our New Website is Here!
Our website has been migrated to Brightspot due to the new OIT requirement. With the change in platform, we also redesigned and updated it! We hope that the user experience with the website will be easier and that you will be able to find the information that you need quickly. Below are a couple of new features that we added:
1. Records Liaison Forum/FAQ.
Have a question? Can’t figure something out? On our new Records Liaison Forum & FAQ page you can see what Frequently Asked Questions we already have as well as use the contact form to send in your question! Once we’ve answered your question it will be anonymously posted to the same page.
2. Newsletter/Communications.
We now have a Records Liaison Communications page (nested under the “Liaison Links” tab on the menu). We will be uploading all of our newsletters to this page so come here to see what you’ve missed.
3. Having Trouble Navigating the Website?
We’ve put together a short 5 minute walkthrough of our site.
If you’ve watched it and still have questions please contact our courier at 2.2828 or
Retention Changes
Complaints/Grievances: Retain 6 years after resolution of complaint (even if the resolution is to do nothing). Complaints regarding employees should be retained in the employee's file.
If you have questions about this retention please contact Haley Dunkley @ 2.6260 or email her at
Just a reminder that this retention applies to both paper and electronic records!