Records Liaison Newsletter | February 2023 Skip to main content

Records Liaison Newsletter | February 2023

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Changes to Destruction Procedures: How this impacts you.

With this year’s destruction cycle getting ready to begin, we wanted to let you know of a change to the destruction procedures. Beginning this year, when we send out “Eligible for Destruction Reports,” Records Liaisons will have a 2 month deadline to let us know of any exceptions to the records that are scheduled to be destroyed. If we have not heard back from the Liaison after that time, we will assume there are no exceptions and follow our normal disposition procedures.

What does this mean for you?
Once you’ve received the “Eligible for Destruction Report” look it over and reply back to us with any exceptions of boxes not to be destroyed before the deadline listed in the email. If you need to review a box call 2.2828 or email with the box number to have it delivered to you. We will make all reasonable attempts to make contact with the department.

What failsafes do you have?
All boxes that are subject to destruction have been reviewed by the University Records Analyst to make sure that the box has met it’s retention.

Why would I need to keep records that are ready for destruction?
Boxes should be retained if one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The records are related to an in-progress litigation matter.
  2. The box has been miscategorized and needs the retention changed.
  3. A situation has occurred in your department that requires ongoing use of the contents of the box.

Permanent Box Review
In the past, boxes with permanent retention were added to the Eligible Destruction Report for review. With the change to our procedures, we will now be sending out a separate document to departments for the review of permanent boxes. These boxes will be reviewed every 5 years.

We recognize that this a huge change from how our procedures have worked in the past. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 2.6260 or with any concerns or questions you might have

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Changes Made to the Website

  1. There is now a Services page where you can find information about our various services.
  2. Go to the Academic Resources page under the Resources Tab for information about Faculty Records, Executive Records and more.