Records Liaison Newsletter | May 2022 Skip to main content

Records Liaison Newsletter | May 2022

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Spring Cleaning Time! 5 tips for a quick and easy records cleanup

  1. Records Retention: After department records have met their retention, they can be destroyed. For example: exams and unreturned homework should be retained for 1 year after the end of the semester, then can be destroyed. If you have paper records that haven’t met their retention, but are taking up too much space in your office, you may box them up to send to the Records Center. Call 2-2828 or send an email to to schedule a pickup.
  2. Records Protection: Keep confidential information secure. When discarding confidential information, use secure shred bins, or coordinate with BYU Recycling’s shred service.
  3. Non-Records: Discard physical or electronic non-records that are no longer needed by the department (e.g. convenience/duplicate copies, lunch invites, university announcements, etc.)
  4. Electronic Records: Organize electronic records by moving finalized records to your electronic records center in Box. For more guidance on Box, please visit our website:
  5. Imaged Records: Paper records that have been imaged and are stored in a secure and backed up location, such as, can be destroyed.

Can I just get rid of this?

Do you have documents that you aren’t sure are records? Do you know it’s not a record but aren’t sure if you still need it? Use the flowchart below to help determine if you should still keep it! Disclaimer: Information no longer needed for legitimate business purposes should be deleted.

Can I Just Get Rid of This? PDF