Take our survey: https://forms.office.com/r/ndZfQvKt3Z
Information is Everywhere!
Information has evolved! It seems like only yesterday we were using card catalogs and typewriters and now at a touch of a button we can search any topic and talk to people around the world. As information and times change so do our processes, as such we are asking for your help in determining how information, documents, records, etc. are transmitted across campus! Please take this quick 5 question survey: https://forms.office.com/r/ndZfQvKt3Z
Updated Records Liaison Training, just in time for the Holiday Season!
Our Records Liaison Training has been around for almost 8 years and it was time for a refresh! With this iteration of the training, there is new content, and updated information. Some things stayed the same while others are completely different. Even if you've taken the Records Liaison training before we would invite you to take it again to refresh your knowledge and see what new things we have to offer! With our new training, the Electronic Records Center (ERC) Training, that came out in June and our newly updated Records Liaison training we hope that Records Liaisons and anyone else who takes it can feel empowered and prepared to take on managing the records in their area. All combined our trainings should take no more than 30 minutes to complete and we hope that you take advantage of these opportunities. If you have any questions or would like to setup a meeting to discuss questions you have from our trainings please email urim@byu.edu or call 2.2828.