Transferring Historical Records to University Archives
University departments are responsible to transfer permanent records of historical value to University Archives when they are no longer needed for department business. The University Archives has facilities dedicated to preserving both physical and electronic historic records. For help identifying which common departmental records are eligible for transfer into the University Archives click the button at the bottom of the page.

Transferring Physical Records
When departments submit physical records to the University Records Center, a copy of the Records Transfer Sheet is reviewed by the University Archivist to determine whether any of the submitted records may be eligible for transfer into the Archives. If historical records are identified, the University Archivist will request approval from the submitting department to transfer the eligible records into the Archives. After approval has been granted, the Archivist will submit a transfer request to University Records & Information Management (URIM).
When permanent records are transferred to University Archives, the custody of the records is also transferred to the University Archives, where access to these records will be restricted per the University Archives Policy. Access to records before the restricted period ends requires the submitting department’s approval. Original records transferred to the Archives do not circulate, but may be viewed in the HBLL Special Collections viewing area.
Transferring Electronic Records
Departments can transfer finalized electronic records to the University Archives using the Historical Records-Send to University Archives folder in the Electronic Records Center folder on Box. When a department uploads historical records into this folder, a copy of the record will be routed automatically to the University’s long-term digital preservation system.