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What is Box?

Box is a cloud content management and collaboration tool that can be used for storing electronic department records and day-to-day files. Box is the recommended repository for storing electronic department records when a BYU sponsored system of record is not available. Personal files should not be stored in Box.


Why Box?

Box was rolled out on campus to provide additional storage options for employees, students, and departments. It has several advantages over file shares and other cloud-based storage options, such as:

  • Improved security – Box requires BYU Net ID credentials and DUO (multi-factor) authentication to login.
  • Email may be dragged directly from Outlook into Box Drive.
  • Easy-to-use mobile app enables files to be accessed anywhere.
  • Provides a managed area for records where:
    • ownership of the records is tied to the university and department during department turnover,
    • records cannot be altered,
    • retention is managed, and records of historical value are preserved.

Using Box to Manage Records

When using Box to manage records, day-to-day work files should be stored in the department’s Box service account and not the user’s personal area. Box service accounts are setup by the department/college CSR. Record Liaisons are expected to move finalized records from the day-to-day work area into the managed University Records area of Box at least once a year.


To begin managing records, first login to Box, then verify access to the managed folder. On an annual basis move finalized department records into the University Records folder. For more help completing these tasks look under Helpful Links on the sidebar. If you are unable to see the University Records folder, please contact the URIM Office Assistant. For more information about the University Records Managed Area of Box please see Manage Department Records in Box on the sidebar.

The following types of information are not allowed in Box, per the updated Box User Agreement:

  • Federally protected research data
  • Data related to export control laws

Sensitive personal information (e.g., SSN, driver’s license) and sensitive financial information (e.g., tax records, student loan info, bank info), may not be stored in Box UNLESS the following three conditions are met:

  1. The information is necessary to meet university business or legal requirements.
  2. The information is only stored in a BYU service account owned folders and not in personal folders.
  3. The information is promptly removed when no longer needed for legitimate business purposes.

If the Box Service is used to store any FERPA protected data, you agree to and accept the responsibilities associated with such use and agree to complete the university’s online FERPA training before engaging in such use (see

Open to see the updated User Agreement, additional training and information, and FAQs located on the lower half of the sign-in screen.

Helpful Links

Electronic Records

How to Use Box

Box FAQs

Manage Department Records in Box