Faculty Leave and Research Skip to main content

Temporary Leave

The belongings of faculty members on temporary leave may be placed in storage through BYU Physical Facilities. BYU Physical Facilities provides storage for employees who are on recognized leave. Stored materials should be related to the university's academic pursuits. Contact Space Management (2-5474) for authorization. Contact Jared Cowan (2-2710) for pickup

Retiring Faculty

Retiring faculty members may contact Dainan Skeem in Special Collections for potential accession of faculty papers into the Professional Papers Program.

Faculty Research

Faculty may place past and current research (and publications) into ScholarsArchive. Please contact Ellen Amatangelo with questions.

  • Grant or Department sponsored research processed through the Research Administration Office (RAO) MAY be placed in the University Records Center for a reasonable time frame after which it is subject to our normal disposition processes or returned to the department.
  • If the research was completed by faculty and is owned by faculty, it may NOT be stored in the University Records Center.